Kool-Aid® Play Dough

* 1 cup flour
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* 1 package unsweetened Kool-Aid®
* 1/4 cup salt
* 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
* 1 cup water

Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar and Kool-Aid® in a medium pot. Add water and oil. Stir over medium heat 3 to 5 minutes. When mixture forms a ball in pot, remove. Knead until smooth. Put in a plastic bag and refrigerate.


  1. Adelia,

    When you mix up a pitcher of Kool-Aid® to drink, you add sugar to water and the packet of Kool-Aid® flavoring. This recipe uses the packet only – none of the sugar. Cooking the dough as described will yield a pliable and springy dough, but not one that’s sticky. Be sure to cook the dough until it forms a ball in the pan. Have fun!

  2. This playdough smells like the kool id you use!! It’s sticky, but after you play with it some it stops sticking to your hands!

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