Vocabulary Development Using Music

Submitted by Betsy B. Lee, Ed.S. in School Psychology

Improve vocabulary through popular or catchy lyrics.

1. Lyrics to any song which the children know well or a song which you wish to teach them.
2. A list of your own simple definitions which are age appropriate.

Teacher Preparation:
A copy of the detailed procedure on this page of the Learning Abilities Books site. Have copies of the lyrics and your definitions.

The basic memory principle in this lesson plan is to associate something you need to remember to something you already know. Children often sing songs without knowing the meanings of the words. Many of these songs use the words correctly. Treat these as sample sentences of correct usage. Use lyrics to any song which the children know well. You select the songs rather than have children select them. You need to review the lyrics carefully to be sure these are words you wish to teach. The procedure is presented in much more detail in an outline format here.

This is an easy, enjoyable way to teach vocabulary, reading comprehension, English as a second language, other languages, and even some history. Reading assessment is measured partly by testing vocabulary.

Real World Usage:
This is an enjoyable way of increasing vocabulary of any language. It can be taught by parents, school volunteers, as well as teachers.


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