Buying Groceries
Wish you had a dollar for every time you heard “But we’ll NEVER use this when we grow up”? Using the newspaper grocery ads inserts, “give” your students $100 to spend.
Wish you had a dollar for every time you heard “But we’ll NEVER use this when we grow up”? Using the newspaper grocery ads inserts, “give” your students $100 to spend.
The student will apply multiplication, planning and calculator skills by pretending to order take out food.
Being able to figure the distance from point A to point B is a task many people take for granted (or in some cases, can’t do very accurately). Everyday, people estimate how much their grocery bill is going to be at the supermarket or how long it will take to complete a list of errands. Getting your students to work on such skills now, means they will get better and better at it as time goes on.
A study in what goes on at all of those businesses out in the real world.
The administrators and staff in your building are resources that are easily overlooked. Invite them over for a lesson.
Ring in the new year with a calendar-making exercise.
Have students create a visual map of your school. You can use this lesson to incorporate about as many subjects as you want – writing, drawing, math, computer design, even fire safety. For example, do you know where all the fire extinguishers are in your building? A school map could tell you.
A list of ideas for incorporating fairy tales and their characters into just about any subject.
Career development activities in elementary, intermediate, and secondary grades become a crystal ball to the future. Students can have a reason for education and can develop a direction once they see a future, once they have a light at the end of the tunnel. Integrating careers into ALL classrooms is simple but it does mean making a paradigm shift from always educating for education’s sake to educating for employment/careers.
You can turn a bus ride into a physics experiment that will even have your fellow teachers scratching their heads. Everyone knows that a weight >>>
Old Christmas lights and a D cell battery provide all the juice you need for a cheap-o electricity lesson.
Learning about adhesives is a real-world experience. Here are ideas to help the experience stick with your students.
Yes, it sounds dangerous and the potential for messes seems highly likely, but you’ll be surprised at the good, “clean” fun you’ll enjoy with your >>>
Only in the past decade or so have districts begun installing air conditioners in old schools, and including them in new schools. Air conditioning is >>>
Submitted by: Deborah Harvey Objective: Teaching vocabulary through music Resources: Recorded children’s music, written words for songs, pictures depicting vocabulary in song. Teacher Preparation: Collect >>>
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