Peppermint Candies
These could be called “cookies” if you stretched your imagination a bit.
* 1 package (8 oz) cream cheese
* 1 box confectioners sugar
* peppermint flavoring (add to taste)
* green or red food coloring
* granulated sugar for dipping
Combine cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar and peppermint flavoring, along with your choice of either green or red food coloring to achieve the desired color. If possible, refrigerate thoroughly mixed dough.
Dough should be fairly stiff. Use a spoon to scoop out small portions of dough, and roll each into a 2″ ball. Dip your (washed) hands in granulated sugar before rolling the “cookies” into a ball they won’t stick to you. After rolling into ball, flatten with the tines of a fork (tic-tac-toe style) that has been dipped into the sugar. Refrigerate and serve. You can use decorator toppings on top.
T2T CONTRIBUTOR: DJ Thomas, Orlando, FL